Charts tells a thousand words

I was looking at some statistical data. Pure numbers indeed. I decided to paint it differently and put into a charts.

The first chart was the TOTAL, one big number.

Well we know for instant that there is growth! Lets break it down....

Wow, now I see which category is expanding more than the others. So you see there, that is what I like about charts, minimal words but it tells a thousand words.

So this is one charts which is tell a lot more stories about status of a country and its jobless graduates.

Sometimes when people tell you something in the mainstream media, don't believe it 100% take the liberty to check it out. Trust yourself - that's the best!

Rule of 72

72 rules? No, it is a rule in investment. Once you know this rule, it will change your investing return horizon. The hunt will start and maybe you will not consider fixed deposit at all! Well, at least for me.

A rule stating that in order to find the number of years required to double your money at a given interest rate, you divide the compound return into 72. The result is the approximate number of years that it will take for your investment to double.
For example, if you want to know how long it will take to double your money at 12% interest, divide 12 into 72 and you get six years.
You can also run it backwards: if you want to double your money in six years, just divide 6 into 72 to find that it will require an interest rate of about 12 percent.

Read more here and play with the calculator HERE

Underwater homes

Ha..ha.. it is not a house under water but the terms used for a house which is still had loan but the value of the house is less than the loan. Or in other term, negative equity.
40 to 50 years ago when all this started, a house definition as a place to raise a family had changed to an investment. Most was brainwashed that you must own a house - the mad rush open an opportunity for the banks to make billions of profit. Soon after the demand taper off, all sorts of creative financing came out and now we are seeing the effect. Good luck to Gen Y!

Some interesting comments.......

...Too many people think that they have the have the best of every thing (like it's owed to them) big house in a great neighborhood, fancy new car, etc. (called keeping up with the jones) Buy well within your means & you won't have all of the financial problems that the other people have!!!!!!!!!!

 ...People look at a house as an investment and not what it is. A place to live and raise a family for the next 30 years. Also, just like any other investment, there is always a possiblity you will lose money.

...Because you all keep voting for politicians that love deregulation which ONLY benefits bankers and corporations because they tell you thats socialism and you believe them. Our founding fathers put it right in the constitution that the government has the POWER to REGULATE business. To protect you all from exploitation. So deregulation is actually anti-american and against the founding fathers wishes.

...three things made this perfect storm home buyers with over blown expectations, easy government money and banks wanting to make a ton of money. I was raised the old fashioned way that a house is the place where you take care of your family not a cash cow. In the "old days" bank made conservative loans to people who could afford a loan without any "creative lending" and the government regulated this process instead of pushing to get everybody in a house.

...Banks want people to go into debt. That's how they make their money. Don't be what you can afford and you won't become a slave to the bank system.

...When we bought our house in 1999, the bank tried to tell us that we could afford a much more expensive house. We didn't listen to them. They also told us we only needed to put 20% down. We didn't listen to them. I know so many people who did and they are sorry as hell now! Never have trusted banks and I certainly won't start now.

If this is happening in America, don't think it will not happens in other parts of the world. Google "ordos".  

If you ask how could the man on the street win in this game? I would say do not take too much loan and be in slave to the banks for whole of your life. If you can afford to pay off your loan - don't delay, do it today. If the economy came down crashing, you will have a peace of mind because no one can come and hassle you. Being free is the best feeling - The banks, the government, the developer can continue with their creative ideas - I'm just not participating. 

Ghost cities

The news which is kept under your knowledge. google : ordos

What? 64 millions units!
Well, all in the name of growth...... 

25 is the ideal age for driving?

WITH the figures showing that young motorists and motorcyclists are more vulnerable to crashes and it is their immaturity that contributes to their rash and reckless behaviour on the road, yesterday’s New Sunday Times once again posed the question whether 16 is too soon to ride a motorbike and 17 too early to drive a car. The short answer from brain scientists would be that 25 is the ideal age, because that’s when that part of the frontal lobe that weighs risks, makes judgments and controls impulsive behaviour becomes fully developed.

Read more: Age of driving - Editorial - New Straits Times 


If you want to be successful ... then ...
If you SHOW UP, you will be ahead of 85% of others.
If you SHOW UP ON TIME, you will be ahead 90% of others.
If you SHOW UP ON TIME WITH A PLAN, you will be ahead of 95% of others.
And if you SHOW UP ON TIME WITH A PLAN AND TAKE ACTION,  then you will be moving to be successful!!

If you MUST, then you can. You will find the way!!

Shapiro's -


  • "Facebook’s privacy settings are so complex that even advanced users have a hard time configuring them, understanding who can see what, and Facebook continues to change its privacy settings without first alerting users, creating serious problems with serious consequences."
Shapiro hates the fact that people are Facebook friends with people they aren't really friends with. Preach it to Path.

  • "Facebook makes it difficult to configure privacy settings and to target messages towards specific groups of “friends”, therefore encouraging us to broadcast our activity to every one of our “friends"." This is bad, according to Shapiro.
  • "Facebook EXERTS its power over how we communicate and is FORCING social norms to change."
  • "While we would NEVER think of audio recording all of our private conversations with our friends and loved ones, and leaving those recordings around for perusal, Facebook records all of our private messages, chats, comments, and status updates, and makes it extremely difficult to delete such communications"
  • "Facebook, by forcing our communications to be more and more public, creates an environment where they can allow advertisers to better “target” advertising to us."
Using Facebook Connect, "Facebook then captures some of your activity on these other sites and associates it with your profile, creating a history of many things that you do across the web."

  • "There IS value in having content personalized for us based on our prior behavior, and the behavior of our friends, BUT we should have the capability to easily understand how and what is being personalized and the ability to turn these personalizations and tracking of our behavior off."

Read more here. Be an informed users!

Malaysian? You should read this report

This is a good piece of information! Spend a little of your precious time to glance through this - and you will understand what is going around. The actions will comes later and you know it when the media featuring it!
Although this is 2010 reports (get a copy while its available), we should be getting 2011 reports soon. I'm waiting to know what is coming our way....

What they say...
