Shapiro's -


  • "Facebook’s privacy settings are so complex that even advanced users have a hard time configuring them, understanding who can see what, and Facebook continues to change its privacy settings without first alerting users, creating serious problems with serious consequences."
Shapiro hates the fact that people are Facebook friends with people they aren't really friends with. Preach it to Path.

  • "Facebook makes it difficult to configure privacy settings and to target messages towards specific groups of “friends”, therefore encouraging us to broadcast our activity to every one of our “friends"." This is bad, according to Shapiro.
  • "Facebook EXERTS its power over how we communicate and is FORCING social norms to change."
  • "While we would NEVER think of audio recording all of our private conversations with our friends and loved ones, and leaving those recordings around for perusal, Facebook records all of our private messages, chats, comments, and status updates, and makes it extremely difficult to delete such communications"
  • "Facebook, by forcing our communications to be more and more public, creates an environment where they can allow advertisers to better “target” advertising to us."
Using Facebook Connect, "Facebook then captures some of your activity on these other sites and associates it with your profile, creating a history of many things that you do across the web."

  • "There IS value in having content personalized for us based on our prior behavior, and the behavior of our friends, BUT we should have the capability to easily understand how and what is being personalized and the ability to turn these personalizations and tracking of our behavior off."

Read more here. Be an informed users!

What they say...
