Pro and con of joint property ownership

Yes they are pro and cons of joint property ownership.

For me, it favour the lenders, because they can hold all parties responsible, thus lowering their risk.

A default means all parties got tainted records. Live long alongs n lelongs.....


A good place to learn about property. Don't know how long it will last.

Know your brokerage fee

Investing in shares must be done via brokerage, either you buy or sell, they take a cut irrespective of your gain or lose.

The big boys always had favourable fee structure from the brokerage house. It happen everywhere, in unit trust as well as share trading. Therefore, always go for the best rate.

Ask the brokerage with the high rates, what rate they give go the big boys?

Yes, you are the one that cross subsidized their profitability.

I am waiting for a fintech disruptor.....  


What they say...
