Bank oh Banks

Ask any bank about their service, what they can give you and you'll get the feeling they are the best. Gee I got to tell you this....

Last week, on a weekday, I put my worn out jeans, t shirt and wear a slipper and started to walk around to find out who would be able to provide the best deal for my 300K home refinancing. When I bought this property, my god the banks are all out to win my heart to take their loan. But this time the experience, is totally different.

I walk into 3 foreign based bank (a standard one, cap payung and the rajin kut) and 3 local banks. Local bank as usual la, customer focused mentality is non existence. Sorry guys, I like to keep the money circulating in the country but who cares...

Of the three, the rajin is the one that stand out, immediately as I walk in someone is there to ask how could they help me. Wow.
At the standard one, I walk in slowly passing those nice working cubicles towards the counter at the end, no one care to ask. I pause, waiting and then I thought a nice environment is actually useless if the simple customer service is non existance. The one who really notice me, I guess is the armed security guard. Maybe I look like robbers kut!

Yeah from now on, I don't have preference for any bank brand. Go on you guy can spend million on air to say you do smile, great service, but today I proved to myself, it is all bluff.

My advice to the young people, if you need a loan press hard the staff for the best deal and ask them to compete and may the best win your account. Dont listen to their intimidation saying that you may not qualify.
After all, in any loan, the deal may take few weeks to settle and then you are expected to diligently pay them every month, aka work for the banks. Guess when do you hear from them again? Try to miss a few month repayment, I'm sure they want to talk to you again after so long...

What they say...
