How banks make money?

Net interest Income! What is that? I believe that is your money and my money servicing the loan every month. Housing loan, car loan, personal loan, and many more loans.... Pity us because we had little choice. You don't borrow you can't pay for an accommodation. Yet that is a basic thing in our life.
The latest episode in the US where the house price drops more than 60% should make the whole world be more vigilant on these loans. I like the story that customer just walk out of a house loan in the US.

Yes you can buy a house but read this "how-much-house-can-you-afford-to-buy" Don't over pay and stress yourself and let someone make easy money on your hard earned salary and be in debt for a life long.

Debt free - life liberating experience - experience it!

Students loan!

Look at the red line! While the economic crisis took place, it does not effect that category. You can see that credit card loan took a plunge but with education cost rising and with emphasis on the "get a good education", I wonder who is really benefiting on this. The masses, I doubt!
I'm not saying don't get an education, but I think education has become more of a business rather than preparing a human capital for a country progress.

The university churns out graduates who after that chase for that little job openings. In the end these kids got no job after years of high hopes and left with problems to settle their education loan. One of the example here.

I pity them, but there must be a solution to it. Do you know?

What they say...
